Melinda Ellis Evers is a co-founder of Ellis Partners and co-manages the operation of the firm. Ms. Evers’ primary responsibilities are to formulate and oversee company strategy and operations and serve on the company’s Investment Committee.
Melinda started her real estate career with A.R. Jarvis & Company, a regional mortgage brokerage firm and spent seven years in acquisitions and portfolio management with Grubb & Ellis Realty Advisers.
Ms. Evers holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley and an M.B.A from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. She is a Member of Lambda Alpha, Urban Land Institute, Stanford Professionals in Real Estate, and the Policy Advisory Board of the Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics, and is a regular guest lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business. Ms. Evers’ past industry board affiliations include The Foundation for San Francisco’s Architectural Heritage and the Bay Area Mortgage Association. Melinda is currently a board member of the UCSF Foundation Investment Company, Stanford Professionals in Real Estate and the PREA Foundation.